Sunday 15 May 2011

Q&A Slumdog millionaire blog #10 Licence To Kill

     In this chapter Licence to Kill, Ram talks about meeting his best friend Salim after not seeing him for five years and he says he didn't want to at first but then when they both sat down on the bench lwatching at little kids play football, they realized how much they missed each other and started talking about the past. Salim talked about his past where he was so close to becoming a famous artist in Hindu films because he asked Mukesh Rawal if he could be apart of a short-film and he replied with "Only if you manage to take some professional pictures and until you show me them, you will become a Junior artist." Junior artists are only in a few scenes of the film and are only about three seconds on the screen. Salim managed to escape from a mob that was going to burn him in a bus that he was on, but luckily a man named Ahmed had a gun threatened the mob to not hurt Salim and took him to his home. Ahmed was a man who loved to bet on Indian cricket games and always won.  After living with Ahmed for awhile, he noticed that strange things were happening. Things such as Ahmed receiving letters that contain information on a person and then a few weeks later, it is announced on the criminal news that he/she has been murdered. Eventually, Salim found out that he was the hitman and killer behind all of this. Smita turned on the TV and so the quiz show began, with Prem Kumar asking the ninth question "How many Test centuries has India's greatest batsman Sachin Malvankar scored? Your choices are a) 34, b) 35, c) 36, or d) 37 and answered c) 36 and won a million rupees.

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